LAVA Computer MFG Inc. eSynC Product Family - Reference Manual – C03
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Commands and Parameters
INI Command
This keyword is set by the configuration manager to indicate the last time the file was updated.
The “product-family=2” must be set for eSynC products supporting battery modulation.
The permitted range is 1 to 2. The value 1 is used for SimulCharge products (such as eSTS).
The default is 2.
The “btty-protection-type” keyword selects the battery protection mechanism to be used. The options
are 1 or 2 based on the mobile device being used.
The selection used must match the mobile device capabilities. Mobile devices may only implement a
sub-set of the USB-C PD specification, which requires LAVA test each model to verify the level of
eSynC Mk1 products only the “btty-protection-type=1”.
eSynC Mk2 products support both “btty-protection-type=1” and “btty-protection-type=2”.
Using “btty-protection-type=2” with an eSynC Mk1 results in the device charging to 100%.
The “board-type” keyword
is not used with eSynC
With “product-type=1” set, the “board-type” keyword is ignored and the “btty-protection-type”
keyword is used to define the battery protection type.
The standard upper limit for battery charging as a percentage.
The permitted range is 20 to 100.
The default is 75.
The standard lower limit for battery charging as a percentage.
The permitted range is 1 to 100.
The default is 45.
The number of charge cycles after startup before a "full" charge cycle is forced.
For a "full" charge cycle the btty-cycle-lower-threshold and btty-cycle-upper-threshold are used.
The permitted range is 0 to 100. A value of 1 is treated as 2.
The default is 2.
The number of charge cycles before a "full" charge cycle is used.
For a "full" charge cycle the btty-cycle-lower-threshold and btty-cycle-upper-threshold are used.
The permitted range is 1 to 9999. Values less than 4 are treated as 4.
The default is 50.
This command can be used to disable the battery modulation. The LTM application continues to run
and provide other extended features such as network recover and screen brightness management.
A “1” results in: no battery modulation and all battery thresholds are internally set to 100.
A “0” permits battery modulation.
Disabling battery modulation is not recommended. The ability is present for internal testing.
The permitted range is 0 to 1.
The default is 0. Sorry for the use of reverse logic.
This command is used to enable the Ethernet related features of LTM.
The permitted range is 0 to 1. A 1 permits the Ethernet features. A 0 disables the Ethernet features.
The default is 1.
A dhcp-recovery value of 1 or 2 enables the Network/DHCP Recovery mechanism.
When the network connection is lacking for approximately 1 minute, a network reset is attempted.
A value of 0 disables the mechanism.
The permitted range is 0 to 2. The default is 1.
A dhcp-recovery value of 1 results in subsequent recovery attempts taking place after 2, 3, 5, and then 8
minutes. After the first four recovery attempts, then subsequent attempts are every 8 minutes.
A dhcp-recovery value of 2 results in subsequent recovery attempts taking place every 2 minutes.