Problem example #1:
The LED display is not visible:
Verify that there is 24 volt AC power at the terminal block on the circuit board (#899-77). The
terminal block is located at the bottom left corner of the circuit board. Voltage can vary between
22 – 28 volts.
After verifying proper voltage, power the machine down for at least 5 seconds and re-power
back up.
Pressing the
buttons simultaneously on the circuit board is the next step to clear
and reset any error codes and there is no harm in doing this reset at any time. If the LED display
is still not coming on then the circuit board may be in need of repair. Since this same circuit
board is used in both the 3 or 5 column Laurel machines it might be worth swapping it between
any of these machines to try to isolate the problem, if you happen to have more than 1 machine.
Problem example #2:
When you press a selection button
Problem with Column 1 (or 2,3,4,5)
appears on the LED
This error message indicates that the vend motor associated with that particular column has not
cycled properly and the column has been put inactive. Any customer trying to use this column
will see
Problem with Column…
when the selection button is pushed and their inserted coins
will be returned to them. This problem could be from the particular motor running too slow due
to aging, the column being jammed due to physical blockage, or that the motor has simply failed.
First step:
First clear the error code by simultaneously pressing both the
buttons on the circuit
board. The LED display will show
Clearing error
indicating all codes have been cleared out and
now it is time to test this column by inserting the proper amount of quarters and pushing the
selection button. If the identical error code reappears the vend motor is likely the problem and
should be replaced. #899-A42 is the 3-column vend motor part number and #599-C24 is the 5-
column vend motor part number. The particular column that is not functioning will not affect
the operation of any other column.
Second step:
Power down the machine for at least 5 seconds and re-power back up. Power cycling is always
worth trying when the
Problem with Column…
error code appears, or for any other issues. Now
insert quarters and try vending the column, if the identical error code reappears the vend motor
is likely the problem and should be replaced.
Problem example #3:
Out of order, please come back later
is on the LED display: