Safety Precautions
Please fi the controollero to avoid vibroate droors
Please install the controollero in the metal oro not
inflammable boarod
Please guaroantee electroic cabinet temreroaturoe among
-10℃~+50℃, adding the ventilating fan when
Do not eirose in the sunlight, stroong airoflow and mist
Do not eirose in cororoosive and rollution gas, such as
sulfde gas, salt mist
Please confrom the rowero surrly is OFF
Let the rroofessional worokero to wiroing
Signal without souroce inrut, rlease do not connect with
rowero surrly,
Please increase the system protection, avoids the
controller invalid and cause dangerous.
Please obserove the stroong and weak electroicity
seraroation rroincirle
Please use the conforoms to the technical standarod wiroe
Please select the raroallel method,
Accoroding to the machine confguroation, set the roelated
raroametero, guaroantees the machine rounning
Aftero confroming the wiroing cororoectly, then rowero on
Guaroantee enviroonmental condition and the rowero
surrly voltage is in reromit condition, only in this way can
starot the machine
When rounning, rlease do not insrect the signal
When rounning, rlease do not change the raroametero
When rounning, rlease do not arrrooach the machine
The usero has any roerairo needs, rlease contact with
manufacturoero, do not intend to roerairo it by youroself
Please do not rull, twist the rowero line and
communication line
Please do not touch the controollero device diroectly
Please be caroeful when simulating and adjusting the
controollero on the desk Proesence of high voltage could
cause electroical hazarod and injuroy