OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IP
User Guide
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shows an example simulation of one Rx channel configuration.
Figure 5.8. One Rx Channel Configuration
Instantiating the IP
The core modules of the OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IP are synthesized and provided in NGO format
with black box Verilog source files for synthesis. A Verilog source file named <instance_name>_fpd_link_rx.v
instantiates the black box of core modules. The top-level file <instance_name>.v instantiates
<instance_name>_fpd_link_rx.v and PLL wrapper.
A Verilog instance template <instance_name>_inst.v or VHDL instance template <instance_name>_inst.vhd is also
provided as a guide if the design is to be included in another top level module.
You do not need to instantiate the IP instances one by one manually. The top-level file and the other Verilog source
files are provided in \<project_dir>. These files are refreshed each time the IP is regenerated.
Synthesizing and Implementing the IP
In Clarity Designer, the Clarity Designer project file (.sbx) is added to Lattice Diamond as a source file after all IPs are
generated. Note that default Diamond strategy (.sty) and default Diamond preference file (.lpf) are used. When using
the .sbx approach, import the recommended strategy from
\<project_dir>\fpdlinkrx_eval\<instance_name>\impl\lifmd\lse or
\<project_dir>\fpdlinkrx_eval\<instance_name>\impl\lifmd\synplify directories and set them as active strategy. A
sample preference file (.lpf) is also included in the directory. All required files are invoked automatically. You can
directly synthesize, map and place/par the design in the Diamond design environment after the cores are generated.
Push-button implementation of this top-level design with either Synplify or Lattice Synthesis Engine is supported via
the Diamond project files <instance_name>_top.ldf which is located in
\<project_dir>\fpdlinkrx_eval\<instance_name>\impl\lifmd\<synthesis_tool>\ directory.
To use the pre-built Diamond project files:
Choose File > Open > Project.
In the Open Project dialog box browse to
Select and open <instance_name>_top.ldf. At this point, all of the files needed to support top-level synthesis and
implementation are imported to the project.
Select the Process tab in the left-hand user interface window.
Implement the complete design via the standard Diamond user interface flow.