MachXO2 Pico
Development Kit
Set Up a Terminal Program
You will use a terminal program to
communicate with the evaluation board.
The following instructions describe the
Windows HyperTerminal program which
is found on most Windows PCs. You may
use another terminal program but setup
will be different. Note that Windows 7 does
not include HyperTerminal. Tera Term has
been verified to work with Windows 7. For
Linux, Minicom is a good alternative.
Note: This step uses the procedure for Windows
XP users. Steps may vary slightly if using
another Windows version.
1. From the
menu, select
Panel > System
. The “System Properties” dialog appears.
2. Select the
tab and click
Device Manager
. The “Device Manager” dialog appears.
3. Expand the
Ports (COM & LPT)
entry and note the COM port number for the USB Serial
4. From the
menu, select
Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTermi-
. The HyperTerminal application and a “Connection Description” dialog appear.
5. Specify a Name and Icon for the new connection. Click
. The “Connect To” dialog ap-
6. Select the COM port identified in Step 3 from the Connect using: list. Click
7. The “COMn Properties” dialog appears where n is the COM port selected from the list.
8. Select the following Port Settings and click
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
The HyperTerminal window appears.