The speed control is factory set to Sport Mode (100%
forward, brakes, and reverse). You can program the speed
control to disable reverse (Race Mode) or to allow 50%
power (patent-pending Training Mode) using the following
mode selection procedures. Please note that the speed
control should be connected to the receiver and the
transmitter adjusted as described previously. The profiles
are selected by entering the programming mode.
Selecting Sport Mode
(Profile #1: 100% Forward, 100% Brakes, 100% Reverse)
1. Connect a fully charged battery pack to the model and
turn on your transmitter.
2. With the ESC off, press and hold the EZ-Set button
until the LED turns solid green, then solid red, and then
begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
3. When the LED blinks RED ONCE, release the EZ-Set
4. The LED will blink and then turn solid red. The model is
ready to drive.
Selecting Race Mode
(Profile #2: 100% Forward, 100% Brakes, No Reverse)
1. Connect a fully charged battery pack to the model and
turn on your transmitter.
2. With the ESC off, press and hold the EZ-Set button
until the LED turns solid green, then solid red, and then
begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
3. When the LED blinks RED TWICE, release the EZ-Set
4. The LED will blink and then turn solid red. The model is
ready to drive.
Selecting Training Mode
(Profile #3: 50% Forward, 100% Brakes, 50% Reverse)
1. Connect a fully charged battery pack to the model and
turn on your transmitter.
2. With the ESC off, press and hold the EZ-Set button
until the LED turns solid green, then solid red, and then
begins blinking red (indicating the Profile numbers).
3. When the LED blinks RED THREE TIMES, release the
EZ-Set button.
4. The LED will blink and then turn solid red. The model is
ready to drive.
To operate the speed control and test the programming,
place the vehicle on a stable block or stand so that all of the
wheels are off the ground.
1. With the transmitter on, press and release the EZ-Set
button. The LED will shine RED. This turns the ESC
on. If you press and release too quickly, you may hear
the steering servo jump but the LED may not stay on.
Simply press the button again until the LED shines RED
and then release.
2. Apply forward throttle. The LED will turn off until full
throttle power is reached. At full throttle, the LED will
shine RED.
3. Move the trigger forward to apply the brakes. Note that
braking control is fully proportional. The LED will turn
off until full braking power is reached. At full brakes, the
LED will shine RED.
4. Return the throttle trigger to neutral. The LED will shine RED.
Green to Red
to Off
One blink Red,
Solid Red
Green to Red
to Off
Two blinks Red,
Solid Red
Green to Red
to Off
Three blinks Red,
Solid Red
Patent-Pending Training Mode (Profile #3) reduces
forward and reverse throttle by 50%. Training Mode is
provided to reduce the power output, allowing beginning drivers
to better control the model. As driving skills improve, simply
change to Sport or Race Mode for full-power operation.
If you missed the mode you wanted, keep the EZ-Set
button pressed down and the blink cycle will repeat until
the button is released and a Mode is selecte
Tip For Fast Mode Changes
The ESC is set to Profile 1 (Sport Mode) as the default. To
quickly change to Profile 3 (Training Mode), with the transmitter
on and the ESC turned off, press and hold the SET button until
the light blinks red three times and then release. For full power,
turn off the ESC then quickly change back to Profile 1 (Sport
Mode) by pressing and holding the SET button until the light
blinks red one time and then releasing.