Operating Procedures
Ground Speed
Operating Procedures
Ground Speed
Always adhere to the tractor manufacturer’s recommended ground speed range when
operating the Articulator. Your speed may vary within this range as your cutting condi-
tions vary.
Excessive ground speed while traveling over rough terrain can cause the Articulator to
bounce excessively, which in turn increases the stress on its structure and the likelihood
of damage to the machine. Thus, while a higher ground speed is acceptable for wide,
open, flat areas, a slower ground speed is required for rough or contoured areas.
Do not make quick starts or stops when transporting or operating the Articulator. Always
wear your seatbelt.
Cutting In Reverse
Be sure entire area around the tractor and Articulator are clear of people or obstructions
before traveling in reverse.
If you are not familiar with backing techniques, we recommend practice in an open area
to develop the required skills before operating the Articulator.
Cutting Severe Contours
The Articulator cuts contours areas well, producing a quality of cut which rivals that of a
single push mower.
The basic rule of thumb to use when judging the ability of the Articulator to handle a con-
toured area is to cut the area with a 25" push mower set at the same height as the Articu-
Excessive ground speed over rough terrain can cause structural stress
and damage to the Articulator!
ALWAYS drive cautiously and reduce ground speed when transversing
rough or severe terrain!
ALWAYS check to be sure that the area behind you is clear of people or
obstacles before backing the tractor and Articulator!
NEVER attempt to operate the Articulator until you have read and
understand this manual in its entirety!
NEVER allow anyone to operate the Articulator without proper training
and without first reading and understanding this manual in its entirety!
Go to www.lastec.com for latest changes in this manual.