Manual: Pure Sapphire / Purelight high power
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8. Operation
1. ILDA operation mode
The laser system is controlled over ILDA control signal. Plug in the ILDA cable to the ILDA-in
interface at the unit.
2. Scan Safety
This units has a special two-mode scan safety: It can be operated in scan fail safety mode, that
prevents the occurance of dangerous radiation in case of malfunction. The beam block mode
suppresses every too focussed beam to avoid the accidential exceeding of maximum permit-
ted exposure levels for spectators. The modes can be changed by using the switches at the
control panel. The scan safety can also be switched off.
3. Color blancing
By using the trim pots for color balancing it is possible to adjust the individual color sources to
achieve a certain white balance. This is especially important if several laser systems are used
an a homogenous white is needed.
4. X/Y axis inversion
These switches invert the ILDA singal for the respective axis. This feature is useful if one ILDA
signal line is used for controlling several lasers.