USER MANUAL: Laserworld Proline CS-150G
Date: 01/2008
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Ch1: Laser pattern A switch light: 0-51 for laser source switch, 52-103 for automatic
with out breakpoint, 104-155 for automatic with breakpoint, 156-207 for acoustic
control without breakpoint, 208-255 for acoustic control with breakpoint.
Ch2: Laser pattern A selection, one pattern every 2 point,
Ch3: Laser pattern A, 0-128 for rotation angle adjustment, 129-255 for rotation
Ch4: Laser pattern A up/down turning, 0-128 for adjustment of up/down turning
129-255 for adjustment of up/down turning speed.
Ch5: pattern A left/right turning channel 0-128 for adjustment of left/right turning
angle, 129-255 for adjustment of left/right turning speed
Ch6:( pattern left /right moving channel) 0-128 for left/right movement, 129-255 for
up/down movement
Ch7: (pattern gradual drawing channel) 0-255 for adjustment of gradual drawing
Ch8: (point adjusting channel) 0-128 for adjusting the definition of the point, 129-
for adjusting the length of point
Ch9: laser pattern B switch light, 0-51 for laser source switch, 52-103 for automatic
with out breakpoint, 104-155 for automatic with breakpoint, 156-207 for acoustic
control without breakpoint, 208-255 for acoustic control with breakpoint.
Ch10: Laser pattern B selection, one pattern every 2 point,
Ch11: Laser pattern B, 0-128 for rotation angle adjustment, 129-255 for rotation
speed adjustment.
Ch12: Laser pattern B up/down turning, 0-128 for adjustment of up/down turning
angle, 129-255 for adjustment of up/down turning speed.
Ch13: pattern B left/right turning channel, 0-128 for adjustment of left/right turning
angle, 129-255 for adjustment of left/right turning speed
Ch14: pattern B left /right moving channel, 0-128 for left/right movement, 129-255
up/down movement
Ch15: pattern B gradual drawing channel, 0-255 for adjustment of gradual drawing
Ch16: (point adjusting channel) 0-128 for adjusting the definition of the point,
129-255 for adjusting the length of point.