Instant Security System
What if my unit loses power?
alarms are equipped with back up battery systems. If the System loses power
and switches to emergency battery power, RRMS will be notified and the company will
contact you to inquire about the condition. MAU batteries are rechargeable. WDU batteries
do not recharge but last for several years and are easy to replace. The MAU will verbally
announce a low battery condition if battery replacement is required.
Will the LaserShield
System work with my answering machine?
Yes. LaserShield
is designed for use with most answering machines. The LaserShield
MAU has a built in telephone splitter that allows you to operate with a telephone and an
answering machine from the same connection point.
What are the features for the seeing and hearing impaired?
has a unique system of verbal annunciation reporting conditions such as arm,
disarm, entry/exit delay, and alarm conditions, for those with sight difficulties. There is also a
protruding dot in the plastic over the WDU and MAU on/off power buttons to make them
simple to find by touch. Keychain Remote buttons are shaped differently to help differentiate
Arm and Disarm buttons. LaserShield
also has lights which flash differently on the MAU
and WDU to alert the deaf of various system conditions. RRMS is fully equipped with TTD for
the hearing impaired.
Does the alarm siren ring indefinitely? Will it disturb my neighbors?
No. The siren turns off after 5 minutes automatically. The unit resets itself and watches
quietly for another indication of intrusion. If another is detected the siren will activate for an
additional 5 minute cycle time.
What if I lose my Keychain Remote?
can be armed or disarmed by remote using a five-digit passcode using any
remote telephone or cellular phone. You can purchase replacement remotes by contacting
the LaserShield
Customer Care department. If you lose your remote you can also use a
secret emergency shutdown feature to disarm the alarm. The emergency shut down feature
is different for every LaserShield
unit and is described on your LaserShield
cards included with your System.