Monitored Maglock Instruction Manual
Page 3 of 8
Issue 2 13 January 2020
Safety Warnings
This device is intended to be used as part of a safety system which may be used to protect personnel
and equipment from possible injury, damage, or loss.
As such it must be installed and wired according to these instructions and tested by suitably qualified
persons. No attempt may be made to tamper with the parts, open them, or use them outside of the
parameters contained herein.
The units are only designed to be fixed to surfaces using their inbuilt fixing holes. They must not
come into contact with each other or any other moving part when in use. The parts should never be
subject to impact or mechanical strain.
Safety switches should never be defeated or bypassed. It is imperative that all steps are taken to
ensure that any spare actuators are made unavailable, such that they cannot be used to defeat the
switch or reduce the protection offered by the system in any way.