Unlike the Guild models, the new Ashbory basses feature far superior geared tuners. These operate just like regular guitar or bass tuners.
The strings can be tuned to an electronic tuner, reference tones, or to each other just like any other stringed instrument. If you wish to
tune the strings to each other, the best way to do so is to play a harmonic on the 5th fret of the lower string and the harmonic on the
7th fret of the higher string and make them match. Using the 'fret' markers on the neck to tune is not advised.
It is best to have the windings on the strings end with the string leaving the bottom of the tuning peg. The strings are easily guided by
holding them down with a finger on the right hand while turning the tuner with the left hand. Try to keep the winds somewhat even on
the peg. If necessary, unwind and rewind the the string for more evenness. If the strings get excessively long, tie an additional knot as
mentioned under the "Strings" section above.
The Ashbory Bass uses a patented piezo transducer pickup system (see http://www.largesound.com/ashborydoc/patent/us4750397/) and
full-time active (battery powered) electronics to transfer the signature tone of the strings to your amp. Here's what you need to know about
the different parts of the system.
Output jack:
Not only does the jack function as the output for the Ashbory, but it also serves as the electronics on/off. To avoid
unnecessary battery consumption, you'll want to unplug the Ashbory when not in use.
Red LED:
This is a status light. When it is on, the active electronics system is in effect.
Battery clip:
In the control cavity on the back of the Ashbory is a battery clip which holds the 9 volt battery necessary to power the
active electronics system. If the sound of the Ashbory starts to gain static and/or fail, it is likely the battery needs replacement. To
access the battery compartment, remove the four screws which hold the plastic electronics cavity cover in place.
Volume knob:
The knob closest to the output jack is the volume knob, which controls the amount of signal leaving the instrument.
Bass knob:
The knob towards the bridge is the bass control. It is 'notched' at 5. Turn the knob up for bass boost, or down for bass cut.
Treble knob:
The center knob is treble control. It is 'notched' at 5. Turn the knob up for treble boost, or down for treble cut.
The Ashbory is a unique instrument, not a bass guitar or an upright bass. It responds well to some playing techniques used for both
instruments, but not all. Here's some hints and suggestions on playing the Ashbory.
It's no funk machine. Slapping and popping isn't going to get you the superfly sound you're accustomed to with a bass guitar.
Standard electric bass 'fingerstyle' playing works well.
The instrument doesn't reward pick playing as much as it does playing with the fingers. You can adjust the sound of pick playing by
changing the position where you pick. Better results seem to come from picking near or over the fingerboard.
Pulse Tap technique. By muting the strings by the nut with the left hand and striking and holding the notes with the right hand, the
Ashbory can create full sounds reminiscent of an analog synth. More information on the Pulse Tap technique can be found at
http://www.largesound.com/ashboryarticle/playing/pulsetap/ .
Upright-like snaps. Pulling up on the strings with the right hand off the fingerboard and letting them snap down creates a sound similar
to 'spanking' the strings on an upright bass.
Whatever you want to try. Feel free to experiment with different styles and techniques. Play!
The fret markers are not precise. This isn't a big issue since it is a fretless and one should play by ear anyway. The most common
problem is the first fret position which needs to be held closer towards the nut than marked on the fingerboard.
Web Resources:
Ashbory – The Official Story :
The official history of the instrument, written by one of the creators. Features prototype pictures and
much more. An entertaining read. http://www.ashelec.demon.co.uk/ashbory
Large Sound:
The largest Ashbory Bass resource on the Internet. FAQs, articles, documents, a message board, and more.
Large Sound Commerce:
All sorts of Ashbory stuff for sale including strings, SLYDE-RITEs, parts, and whole instruments. Bargain
prices, and profits support operation of the Large Sound Ashbory web resource. http://www.LargeSound.com/commerce/
A Final Note:
Enjoy your new Ashbory! Thank you for supporting the Large Sound Ashbory Bass resources.
-Brock A. Frazier
Large Sound
- “The largest Ashbory Bass resource on the Internet” http://www.LargeSound.com
Large Sound Commerce
- “World's largest Ashbory Bass-only dealer” http://www.LargeSound.com/commerce/
© 2002-2006 Brock A. Frazier