Large Sound Ashbory Bass User's Guide
by Brock A. Frazier
November 1, 2006
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Ashbory Bass! As you will discover over the following weeks, months, and
years of Ashbory playing, it is a very expressive instrument with a full tone. It's also lots of fun to play. Enjoy!
Instrument overview:
Here's a diagram of the Ashbory Bass. Terms such as 'nut' and 'bridge' are standard terms also used for bass guitars.
The silicone rubber Ashbory strings are what give the instrument it's characteristic tone. If you put your ear to the neck as you play, you'll
hear the signature sound resonate through the instrument itself. The Ashbory strings are radically different from the metal strings used on
a bass guitar, in composition, tension, and how they create warmth.
The strings are very low tension, so low that there is no truss rod in the neck of an Ashbory. It doesn't need one.
The strings are special and perform best when handled with special care.
Use of a talc powder is not necessary but makes the strings play easier while enhancing tone. Some use baby powder but a SLYDE-
RITE bag works especially well, and is included as a bonus with every new Ashbory from Large Sound. Check the gig bag pouch.
Unlike an upright bass or a bass guitar, a larger percentage of the Ashbory sound comes from the strings themselves.
The G string likes to snap in the case, as does the D to a lesser degree. To avoid unnecessary string loss, detune the G and D strings
prior to putting the Ashbory back in the gig bag.
Ashbory strings will sound fresh long after a standard electric bass's metal strings have become dull. The downside is they also take
longer to stabilize. The G takes about 2-3 weeks to become more stable, whereas in about 3 days electric bass strings are usually
pretty stable.
If the strings are too long, rather than cut the string, tie a knot in the string down from the current one, or undo the current knot and
create a newer one past the point where the current one is. If a string breaks at the bridge, it can sometimes be saved by removing the
short knot and using or recreating the knot at the end of the string. It is nice to save a string when possible since it spares the
stabilization time of a new string as well as the cost and hassle of getting a new set.
Installing new strings:
Due to the unique low tension nature of the Ashbory strings, they are more important to the overall sound of the instrument than the metal
strings on a bass guitar. Here's a guide to installing strings for optimal performance.
1. Pre-stretch the strings: The key to better sound and quicker stabilization of the Ashbory strings is to stretch them thoroughly prior to
installing them. Stretching the strings is simple, just grab a knot with each hand and pull the ends away from each other. Be assertive
with your pulls. If you have a new Ashbory it is a good idea to remove the strings and stretch them out, then reinstall.
2. Guide the strings as you wind them to pitch so the strings leave the tuning pegs towards the bottom. This is important because it
creates downward pressure on the nut. Depending on the amount of winds, it may be necessary to detune a string and then retune
with the string winding more towards the top then ending more towards the bottom. Strings play, sound, and feel much better with
greater down pressure so make the effort when tuning.
3. If there isn't too many winds on the E and A strings, the E may be reverse wound so the string pull is more direct. This is not required,
but when feasible it does allow for a better string pull which discourages the E from leaving the nut while playing.
There are zero adjustment points on the Ashbory. The bridge is non-adjustable. The neck is non-adjustable. Play and enjoy.
© 2002-2006 Brock A. Frazier