Lares 13501 Instructions For Use Download Page 1

Percep�ve Motor Control

Instructions for Use  

REF  13501


Lares Research 


295 Lockheed Ave


Chico, CA 95973

Device Specifica�ons 

  Caution: This device is not designed 

for use in an explosive atmosphere 

(anesthetic gas). 


The Percep�ve Motor Control System 

consists of: 

• Motor hose output

• A pneuma�c 4-hole connec�on input

• An electrical power supply and plug cord

• Percep�ve motor control box

• Tablet 


Electronically controlled unit for den�stry 

allowing opera�on of the Percep�ve Motor 

with variable speed using the dental unit 

rheostat pedal in conjunc�on with the 

included tablet. 

Intended Use: 

• Product intended for professional use 

only. Use in den�stry for general den�stry 

work. The system is designed to control a 

Percep�ve Motor which can drive a dental 

handpiece (gear ra�o 1:1, 10:1, or 1:5) 

fi�ed with appropriate burs. 

• Any use other than that for which this 

device is intended is prohibited and may 

prove dangerous. 


Class IIa in accordance with European 

Direc�ve 93/42/EEC concerning medical 

devices. This medical device is in 

compliance with the legisla�on in force. 

Electrical Safety:

According to IEC 60601-1 standard 

(General safety for medical Electrical 

Equipment), the device shall be classified 

as a class II type B device. 

The following requirements as specified in 

IEC 60601-1 apply: 

• Protec�on against electrical shock.

• Ingress of liquids.

• Protec�on against excessive 

temperatures and other safety hazards. 

Electric insula�on class:

Class 1 per IEC60601-1 (apparatus 

protected against electric shock). 

Degree of protec�on:

IP40 (protec�on against inser�on of 

objects larger than 1mm). 

RX Only 

70525.AW REV B 11/22

Page 1

Electromagne�c Compa�bility: 

Electro-medical equipment needs special 

precau�ons regarding EMC and needs to 

be installed and put into service according 

to the EMC informa�on provided in this 

document. This unit corresponds to the 

electromagne�c compa�bility in 

accordance with IEC 60601-1-2 and IEC 

80601-2-60 and declara�on by the 

manufacturer regarding electromagne�c 


Motor Type:

Brushless type, 3 phase motor, 

synchronous with permanent magnets.

Electrical and Pressure Data: 

Voltage: 100 – 240 VAC. 

Frequency: 50-60 Hz.

Nominal power: 65 W. 

Maximum input power: 150W. 

Maximum air pressure: 72.5 psi (5 bar). 

Minimum air pressure: 43.5 psi (3 bar).

Air consump�on: Less than 40 nl/min


If the input air pressure is below the 

minimum threshold (17.5 psi), the motor 

will not turn on.  If operating in variable 

speed mode, a minimum of 43.5 psi (3 bar) 

is required to meet maximum motor 



Cooling is conducted through compressed 

air from the unit. 

Spray Air and Water:

Set spray air and water pressure per 

contra-angle attachment instructions, but 

do not exceed 40 psi (2.8 bar).


Perceptive Motor Control box; 103 x 84 x 

28 mm. 

Motor hose length; 1.6M.  

Power supply; 178 x 64 x 41mm. 

Lenovo M7 Tablet; 176 x 103 x 9mm. 


Perceptive Motor Control box; 235g (8.29 

oz.) without the cable. 

Power Supply; 870g (w/ cable). 

Tablet; 235g. 

Motor Rotation Speed:

From 1,000 rpm to a maximum 40,000 rpm

Motor Direction: 

Clockwise and anti-clockwise  


Before installing, please read carefully. 

Tablet Setup:

Important! Set up the tablet before 

connecting it to the Perceptive system. 

1. Turn on the tablet by pressing and 

holding the power button until the Lenovo 

logo appears. (Figure 7) 

2. Follow the on-screen prompts to 

configure the tablet. You must correctly 

connect to WiFi and sign in to a Google 

account before downloading the 

Perceptive app. Refer to the Lenovo user 

guide for appropriate use of the Lenovo 


3. Open the Google Play store app. 

4. Search for the Perceptive app. 


5. Install the Perceptive app designed by 

Lares Research. 

System Installa�on:

1. Chose a loca�on to mount the 

Percep�ve motor control box on a flat 

surface capable of bearing its weight. It 

may be posi�oned horizontally or ver�cally 

on, or under, a table, dental unit, or any 

other surface but under no circumstances 

on the floor. It should be located close to 

where the handpiece supply hoses exit on 

the delivery system. It is not designed to be 

placed on wet surfaces or to come in 

contact with liquids. 

2. For under-moun�ng clean moun�ng 

surfaces with included alcohol wipes. Wipe 

away excess alcohol with the provided dry 


3. Apply two adhesive backed Velcro pads 

to one side of the control box. (Figure 1) 

A�ach the other Velcro pads to the first 

pads by velcro. Remove the adhesive 

covers and push firmly against surface to 

mount box. Note: if the control box will not 

be mounted with the Velcro pads the four 

rubber feet may be affixed to one side of 

the control box. 

4. Connect the power cord to the power 

supply (Figure 2). Place the power supply 

on the floor or in the electrical outlet box 

and plug the power cord into an electrical 



Do not connect control box to a power 

supply other than the included unit. 

5. Connect the power supply cable to the 

motor control box (Figure 3).

6. Connect the Percep�ve motor to the end 

of the control tubing; align the connector 

pins on the motor with the holes on the 

tubing, �ghten clockwise (Figure 4). 

7. Connect a 4 hole handpiece hose from 

your delivery system to the Percep�ve 

motor control and �ghten clockwise (Figure 

5). Place the Percep�ve motor in the 

vacated handpiece hose nest. 

8. Plug the tablet power chord into the 

motor control box (Figure 6). 

9. Make sure the tablet is turned on. If not, 

turn on the tablet by holding the power 

bu�on down un�l the Lenovo logo appears 

(Figure 7). 

10. Plug the tablet power cord into the 

tablet (Figure 8) and open the Percep�ve 

app. When prompted, allow access to the 

microphone to enable voice control.

11. Chose a loca�on to mount the tablet on 

a flat surface capable of bearing the weight 

of the tablet.(Figure 9) It may be mounted 

on a dental unit arm or any other available 



It should be located where the 

user can easily view and reach it during 


The tablet mount uses a combina�on of 

adhesive and suc�on to adhere to its 

moun�ng surface

Before applying the 

adhesive surface, clean the moun�ng 

surface with an alcohol pad, then dry with 

the dry wipe. 

Remove the adhesive cover and depress 

the mount’s  adhesive surface in the 

desired loca�on.


Then depress the lever on 

the base of the mount to ac�vate the 


12. A�ach the tablet to the tablet mount 

(figure 10).


The tablet is retained in the 

tablet mount by magne�sm. 

13. Secure any loose cords with the 

included adhesive “C”clamps. 

The Percep�ve Motor Control System is 

now ready to use! 

Device Opera�on


• The device must not be started without a 

bur inserted into the chuck. 

• To ensure that your Contra-angle/micro 

motor unit functions with maximum 

efficiency, it must be cooled by an air 

supply of 5-10 Nl/min on the nose of the 


• Never mount an instrument on a rotating 


• Ensure that the Perceptive Motor hose is 

not bent or pinched. 

Opera�ng Environment: 

Temperature: +10°C (50°F) to +25°C (77°F). 

Rela�ve Humidity: 20% and 90%. 

Atmospheric pressure: 700 hPa to 1060 

hPa. Al�tude: 0 to 3048m (0 to 10,000 �). 

Selec�ng A�achment Gear Ra�o: 

Use the tablet touch screen (figure 11) to 

select from the following available 

a�achment gear ra�os (3): 

-Green, 10:1 handpiece: 100 to 4,000 rpm.

-Blue, 1:1 handpiece: 1000 to 40,000 rpm.

-Red, 1:5 handpiece: 5000 to 200,000 rpm.


Verify that the handpiece gear ratio 

corresponds to the ratio selected on the 

tablet.  The buttons are color coded to 

match the handpiece color ring with the 

correct ratio. 

Any of the attachment gear ratio buttons 

can be changed to a different ratio by long 

pressing on  the button and selecting a 

new one.   

Setting Maximum Motor Speed: 

To set your maximum rpm for the current 

gear ratio. You have three options. 1. Select 

one of the preset rpm buttons. 2. Slide the 

maximum rpm slider bar to the desired 

maximum speed. 3. Tap on the RPM read 

out, then key in the RPM  you want. Click 

the blue checkmark to accept the value. 

(Figure 11).


The maximum rpm chosen will 

display  above the slider bar (1).

The factory preset maximum rpm values 

for each gear ratio can be changed by 

setting the speed you want on the slider 

bar, long pressing one of the preset 

buttons, and clicking SAVE.  Long press the 

preset button and hit RESET to go back to 

the factory default values. 

Motor Rotation Direction: 

Press the FWD/REV button (4) on the tablet 

to toggle direction (figure 11).  FWD is 

clockwise and REV is counter-clockwise 

while viewing from the back of the 

handpiece. (Clockwise is normal status).
