The following procedures are test instructions for the amplifier modules comprising the MXi amplifier.
Front-End Module Bench Test Procedure
Connect a +28V (1A current limit) power supply to TP2.
Apply a 0dBm (1mW) RF input to the amplifier.
Turn RV2 fully clockwise. The front-end should have a gain of 13dB. Adjusting RV2 from one extreme to
the other should vary the gain by a minimum of 20dB. Set RV2 fully clockwise.
RF Mute Check: Connect a variable supply to TP1. Gradually increase the voltage until the gain drops by
20dB or more. The applied voltage should be approximately 7 volts.
Telemetry: Monitor TP3. Note voltage decrease to 0V DC when RF output has been muted.
IPA1 Bench Test Procedure
This amplifier must be mounted on a properly sized heatsink for testing.
Connect a suitable load to the output of the Pre Amplifier.
On the unit under test, set RV200 fully clockwise and set RV110 fully counter-clockwise.
Set variable power supply to 28.0V and set its current limit to 1 ampere.
Apply the +28V to the feed through capacitor of the pre-amp shield box.
Adjust RV3 to achieve 6.5
0.2V at the junction of R5 and RV100.
Adjust RV200 to achieve total current draw of 300
Check that the junction of R100 and CR100 measures between 3.5 and 5.5 volts.
Adjust RV110 to raise total current draw to 600
Check that the junction of R110 and CR110 measures between 3.5 and 5.5 volts.
Increase the power supply current limiting to 2.2A.
Increase RV3 clockwise slowly and check that the maximum current limits itself at 1.6
0.1 Amp but do
not allow current to go above 2A while performing this test.
Reset RV3 to achieve 6.5
0.2V measured at the junction of R5 and RV100.
Check balance of the two transistors with a voltmeter connected between the hot sides of C105 and
C115; the difference in voltage should be less than 3mV.
Apply RF drive (max. +18dBm from a pre-amp) and adjust C101, C103, C111, and C113 for minimum
frequency response ripple and flat response. Gain should be a minimum of 15dB with maximum variation
less than 0.5dB over the frequency range 470 MHz through 860 MHz (Note: output will then be about
+33dBm or 2 Watts for an input of +18dBm, so make sure you properly protect your test equipment).
If roll off at the higher frequencies prevents meeting this gain-bandwidth specification, it may be
necessary to replace either C103 or C113 or both with a higher value; use variable capacitor made by
Johanson, part # 16E2320-2, which is 2.5 to 10pF.
Pallet 21B1751 Bench Test Procedure
BIAS SETTING: Connect a 50-Ohm load to the output of the pallet.
Before ap28V to the module, adjust R12 fully clockwise. Limit the power supply current to 3.0A.
PUB06-76 Rev 2 July 18, 2007
MXi005U Operations and Maintenance