5: Remote System Control
In addition to interacting with the target system using the Remote Console, the Spider
also allows text communication with the target via the Telnet Console, also a Java applet
window. Telnet and SSH are network protocols that enable a tunnel from the client
system to the Spider’s serial port. Once set up, it may be accessed through the web
interface at the Telnet Console window, or using a Telnet/SSH client to connect directly.
Note that Telnet/SSH cannot be used to connect to the Spider itself in order to control it,
as the Spider has an HTTP and not a command line interface.
The Telnet Console is a Java applet and has the same Java Runtime Environment
requirements as the Remote Console. When the Telnet Console window is open, the
user at the client system can send and receive characters directly to the serial port.
Set up and enable
In order to use Telnet or SSH, the serial port must be put in passthrough mode with the
appropriate connection parameters and cabling with Telnet and/or SSH access allowed.
If desired, the TCP port numbers also may be changed from their defaults. A user
attempting to connect via Telnet or SSH must also have the appropriate permissions.
Passthrough Use
When using Telnet/SSH in passthrough mode, the Spider just acts as a conduit for the
serial data traveling between the client system and whatever is connected to the serial
port. This may be a COM port on the remote computer, or a serially-controlled power
strip, or anything else with an RS-232 port.
1. From the client system, use a Telnet or SSH utility to connect to the IP address of the
Spider, at the assigned Telnet TCP port number.
2. The Spider will present LOGIN: and PASSWORD prompts. Enter a valid user name
and password. The user must have permissions set to use Telnet or SSH.
3. The Spider will reply with a Welcome and status, followed by a command line prompt.
Selections are:
Help – displays a list of commands
Version – displays the current Spider firmware version number
Terminal – enter passthrough to serial port mode
Logout – terminates the Telnet or SSH connection
4. Enter
to open the connection to the serial port.
5. You are now connected and may interact with the attached serial console.
Keystrokes are not locally echoed and must be echoed by the connected serial
6. Use the SSH or Telnet ability to send and receive serial data between the client and
the serial port. The Spider does not echo this data back to the client.
7. When complete, enter
to return to the command line.
8. Enter
to close the connection.
SecureLinx Spider User Guide