The CUB HEAD is a single channel, master volume type
tube amplifier, featuring 3 x ECC83/12AX7 preamp tubes
and 2 x EL84 output tubes.
Its 15W Class A/B Push/Pull circuitry pumps out classic
tube tones to the cabinet of your choice.
The Chocolate Brown fascia panel features vintage style,
simplicity and is home to the CUB HEAD's unique Power
Scaling Inputs. Use the 15W Input to get full on tube
(for gigging or just to blow away the
leaving all your control settings as they are, plug into the
<1W Input for quieter bedroom playing or recording.
Also on the fascia are the controls for EQ, Volume, Gain
and the Footswitchable, Digital Reverb.
The rear panel features Footswitch, FX Send & Return sockets and two extension cabinet sockets (an 8 and a 16
Ohm), to which any of the cabinets in the Laney range can be connected - let your Cub get its claws out with one of
the Laney CUB CAB’s and enjoy a 2 x 12" cabinet with with the same unique styling as the rest of the CUB range.
After flicking ON the chrome toggle switch, set the tone, volume & EQ controls to your taste, wind up the gain and
you are ready to Rock.
We hope you get a kick out of using your CUB HEAD, we certainly did designing and making it.
Best wishes from all at Laney