Bright Switch
The bright switch allows the user to boost the whole frequency response of the pre amplifier from mid range upward
by 6db. This allows the player to mimic plugging into the bright channel on an old style tube bass amplifier.
Pre Shape:
This allows a pre determined EQ curve to be applied to the pre amp signal. The EQ curve represents a cut of signal
between 300 - 400 Hz, a boost at 70hz and a boost from 1 - 2.5 kHz. The pre shape can also be augmented by the other controls in the
EQ section
(9 - 18)
This feature is footswitchable via the FS5 footswitch allowing the user to switch the preshape in and out whilst
Bass Control
This is a shelving response control with maximum lift and cut at 40Hz
Lo Bass Slider
This allows the user to set the level of low bass, around 40 Hz. This portion of the sonic spectrum is associated with
the physical feel of playing bass. Should be used to tailor the amplifier response to instrument which are either detuned or feature an
additional low string.
Mid Bass Slider
This allows the user to set the level of MID bass, around 80 Hz.
Hi Bass Slider
This allows the user to set the level of HI bass, around 150 Hz. This frequency pocket is associated with the clarity
of a low bass signal. Experiment with cutting this frequency area in conjunction with boosting the LO and MID bass sliders for a real
low-end punch without it sounding to muffled or wooly.
Each of the bass sliders has a narrow frequency range to allow the user to effect only the area of the frequency range they require.
Lo Mid Slider
This slider effects a broad band of frequencies around 400Hz.
Hi Mid Slider
This slider effects frequencies around 800Hz.
This slider effects frequencies around 1KHz - 4 kHz.
This control effects the upper frequencies and peaks at 10KHz
EQ Defeat
This buttons allows the user to defeat the slider EQ section of the pre amplifier. This feature is footswitchable via the FS5
footswitch allowing the user to switch the slider EQ in and out whilst playing.
Compression Switch
This button allows the user to switch in the on board compressor. This feature is footswitchable via the
dedicated FS5 footswitch allowing the user to switch the compressor in and out whilst playing.
Compression Level
This control allows the user to set the Volume Level of the compressed signal. The compression level should
be used to set the desired balance between a signal with compression selected to that of a signal with compression defeated.
This control allows the user to set the amount of compression applied to the post pre amp signal. The compressors
main function is to allow the user to push more signal through the power amplifier at high continuous levels increasing the usable range
of the amplifier. It also enables any effects units connected to the B1/2/3 to be driven harder by removing unwanted signal peaks.
Setting the level of compression at 0 applies a minimal amount of compression, whilst set at 10 the maximum degree of compression.
In most instances the optimum level should be somewhere around 5 - 6. Since this feature is footswitchable via the FS5 footswitch. It
can also be utilized as a footswitchable volume boost for solo passages etc.
This control determines the over all listening volume of the unit.
Output LEDS
The output LEDS track the position of the volume control. The signal level indicated by the LEDS is derived from
immediately before the power amp output, so these LEDS indicate the signal level present in the power amp itself. It is worth
mentioning here that when the RED LED is illuminated the power amplifier is approaching its maximum undistorted output..
Standby Switch
The standby switch should be used to soft start the amplifier. Used in conjunction with the power switch
when the amplifier is first turned on the standby switch should be in the standby position. This enables the preamp, but disables the
power amp, allowing the user to tune up silently and test the connections to external effect connected to the effects loop. Switching the
standby switch from standby to run allows signal to pass into the power amp and the amplifier is now ready to play. When switching
off the unit firstly switch the standby switch from run to standby and then switch the unit off via the power switch
B series MANUAL