GEM5000 Gas Analyzer
Changing the selected ID
It is possible to change the currently selected ID (identified by green icon
) by pressing the
2 and 8 and keys to move the cursor up and down the list of visible Ids. To change the
selection press Enter. Notice that the selected ID moves to the top of the list and its icon
turns green.
Changing the scale
You can change the display’s scale by using the 4 and 6 keys to zoom in and out.
GPS signal strength:
This icon shows the signal strength the analyzer’s GPS module is able
to provide. Full, okay and fair strength respectively.
GPS failure
- the GPS was unable to get a line of sight lock on enough
satellites. Or, it may be that it hasn’t had time to get a lock.
Select soft-key ‘Continue’ and the operator is returned to the ‘Main Gas Read Screen’.