Removal of Soot and Heating Coil
In the heating process, fuel residue in the form of soot
deposits may develop between the heating coil pipe
and block air flow which will affect burner combustion.
When soot has been detected on visual observation,
the soot on the coil must be washed off after following
the coil removal steps (See Coil Removal).
Rupture Disk
If pressure from pump or thermal expansion should
exceed safe limits, the rupture disk will burst, allowing
high pressure to be discharged through hose to ground.
When the disk ruptures it will need to be replaced.
Inspect rupture disk annually for any
Use clean fuel oil that is not contaminated with water
and debris. Replace fuel filter and drain tank every 100
hours of operation. Use No. 1 or No. 2 Heating Oil
(ASTM D306) only.
use gasoline in your burner
tank. Gasoline is more combustible than fuel oil and
could result in a serious explosion.
crankcase or waste oil in your burner. Fuel unit
malfunction could result from contamination.
Ignition Circuit
Periodically inspect wires, spring contact and elec-
trodes for condition, security and proper spacing.
Transformer test:
defect free insulated screwdriver and keep fingers off
blade! Lay blade across one contact: OK if arc will span
1/2" between end of blade and other contact.
Electrode Setting
Periodically Check wiring connections.
If necessary to adjust electrodes, use diagram.
Burner Nozzle
Keep the tip free of surface deposits by wiping it with a
clean, solvent-saturated cloth, being careful not to plug
or enlarge the nozzle. For maximum efficiency, replace
the nozzle each season.
Landa HS Operator’s Manual 8.913-943.0 - P