Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
TB2596 & TB25108 Trip Blade 301-291M
Hydraulic Cylinder & Hose Assembly
Refer to Figure 1-2:
Hydraulic fluid under pressure can penetrate skin. Wear
protective gloves and safety glasses or goggles when working
with hydraulic systems. Use a piece of cardboard or wood
rather than hands when searching for hydraulic leaks. If
hydraulic fluid is injected into the skin, it must be treated by a
doctor within a few hours or gangrene may result.
Refer to Figure 1-2:
Locate elbow (#10) with a small orifice opening in
one end. Attach that elbow to the base of hydraulic
cylinder (#3). Attach the other elbow (#4) to the rod
end. Hand tighten elbows.
Screw hydraulic hose (#7) to fitting (#10) and tighten.
Screw hydraulic hose (#6) to fitting (#4) and tighten.
Thread hydraulic hoses from left to right through
hitch frame slots.
Attach base end of hydraulic cylinder (#3) to hitch
assembly lugs with clevis pin (#2) and hairpin (#1).
Attach rod end of hydraulic cylinder (#3) to pivot
assembly with clevis pin (#2) and hairpin (#1).
Adjust elbow fittings (#4 & #10) as needed to prevent
wear on hoses due to frame contact and tighten.
Hydraulic hoses may be routed one of two ways:
Option 1 - Refer to Figure 1-2:
a. Thread hydraulic hoses (#6 & #7) through spring
hose loop (#13).
b. Zip tie hoses together 30" from QD couplers with
zip tie (#12).
Option 2 - Refer to Figure 1-3:
a. Thread hydraulic hoses (#6 & #7) under left foot
step as shown.
b. Zip tie hoses together 30" from QD couplers. Zip
tie not shown.
Thread adapter fittings (#5) or 90
elbows (#11) to
hydraulic hoses (#6 & #7) and tighten.
10. Attach male quick coupling (#8) to fitting (#5 or #11)
on hose (#7) and tighten.
11. Attach female quick coupling (#9) to fitting
(#5 or #11) on hose (#6) and tighten.
IMPORTANT: Make sure threads and insides of
fittings and hoses are clean.
Kubota CTL Note: Attach male QD coupler (#8) to
hydraulic hose (#7) & hose to base of cylinder (#3).
NOTE: Customer to chose which fitting best fits
equipment set-up, 90
elbows (#11) or straight
adapters (#5).
Hydraulic Assembly (Option 1 Hose Routing)
Figure 1-2
Hydraulic Assembly (Option 2 Hose Routing)
Figure 1-3
tractor/skid steer Hook-Up
Refer to Figure 1-4:
Do not stand between the tractor/skid steer loader and
implement during hook-up.
Right-Hand Side
Kubota CTL Note:
Attach male QD
coupler (#8) to
hydraulic hose (#7)
& hydraulic hose to
base of cylinder (#3).