Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
DH3510 & DH3512 Disc Harrow 322-251M
See Detail A:
Plug wire harnesses (#1, #2, & #4) to
enhance module (#3) as follows:
a. On the right side, plug “Enhance” connector (#1C)
to connector (#1D). Connector (#1D) has a Red
b. On the left side, plug “Enhance” connector (#2C)
to connector (#2D). Connector (#2D) has a Yellow
c. Attach lead wire harness (#4) with connector
(#3B) to connector (#3A).
10. There are six tabs (#14) for harness (#1) and six tabs
(#14) for harness (#2). Add cable ties (#13) to wire
harnesses (#1, & #2) using holes in tabs (#14) to
secure the harnesses. Draw cable ties up loosely.
11. Add remaining cable ties to all wire harnesses as
needed to protect the harnesses from damage.
Tractor 7-Pin Electrical Outlet
Figure 1-11
Hook-up LED Lights
Refer to Figure 1-10 on page 16:
Route lead wire harness (#4) through spring hose
loop (#12).
2. Connect wire harness (#4) to the tractor’s 7-way
round pin receiver. See Figure 1-11 above.
3. Start tractor and operate lights to verify hook-up is
operating properly:
a. Turn on head lights to verify Red lights illuminate.
b. Turn on flasher lights to verify Amber light are
blinking on and off.
4. If lights did not operate properly, recheck hook-up of
wire harnesses (#1, #2, & #4). Make necessary
changes to the harnesses and repeat step 3 above.
5. Recheck routing of wire harnesses to make sure they
will not pinch as the Disc Harrow is raised and
6. Make final adjustments to harnesses (#1, #2, & #4)
and cable ties (#13) as needed. When completed,
draw all cable ties up tight.