If necessary, shipping riser can be shifted to the center
of the bottom plate for ease of installation.
6. Connect tubing to water source, then flush water lines to
check for leaks.
7. Install water regulator and filter to water line and, if
necessary, install water booster (Lancer PN MC-163172)
between water supply and the unit.
8. Using tubing cutters, cut soda water line and install remote
carbonator per manufacturer’s specifications.
9. Install a shutoff valve in the water line feeding the remote
carbonator pump deck.
10. Route appropriate tubing from the syrup pump location
through the shipping riser legs in the back of the unit (see
Step 4).
A. Tubing
B. Soda Water Inlet
4. Route the soda and plain water lines through the shipping
riser legs in the back of the unit.
1. If using freestanding conversion kit, install per kit instruc-
tions then insert and seal unit to freestanding frame. Posi-
tion freestanding unit in designated location.
2. Route appropriate tubing from the water source to the water
inlets at the front of the unit.
3. Install “U” fitting to water line to split between soda and
plain water lines.
5. Connect tubing of soda and plain water lines to appropriate
inlets, at the front of the unit, using Oetiker pliers and fittings
Plumbing Diagrams
on the front of the unit or on pages
17-20 for reference).
A. “U” Fitting
B. Line from Water Source
C. Line to Soda Water Inlet
D. Line to Plain Water Inlet
If necessary, inlet guard can be removed TEMPORARILY
for ease of installation. REATTACHMENT IS REQUIRED.
Dispenser Installation - 2300