liter of water is the daily ration but it can vary related to the outside temperature and the
survivor’s needs.
First aid kit (if included in the Equipment)
You better not use any kind of cure unless there is a doctor or a medically skilled per
son onboard. You should rest and sleep as much as possible. If necessary, follow the below
advices and the instructions on the first aid kit:
a. If you are freezing, smear the frozen parts with cream against burns and do not
massage them because you may damage accidentally tissues. Always use dry clothes so
as to bring the frozen parts at normal temperature.
b. If your feet are wet for a long time, you should keep the floor as dry as possible. You
should also take off your shoes in order to facilitate your blood circulation.
c. If you sweat a lot, you should wear wet T-shirts that keep the body cool (dip the T-
shirt into the sea and wring it before wearing it).
d. There is no need to worry if you experience any irregular function of intestine and of
the bladder. This is completely normal due to lack of movement and reduction of food and
water consumption.
e. If your eyes are irritated by the sun, use a cloth as an eye pad by making two little
holes for the eyes. In case of conjunctivitis, rinse your eyes with fresh sea water.
f. If you developed any ulcer or open blister due to sitting in a position for a long time,
you should dry them in order to facilitate their recovery.
g. If anyone has trouble in breathing, you should help him restoring his breath and his
h. If anyone has been injured or burnt, you should help him bind up the wound. If
anyone has been fractured, you should try to fix his broken bones.
i. If anyone has any kind of circulation disease (pulse stop racing, catch a severe chill,
anxious, thirst over ventilation), you should protect him and help him to escape as soon as
Life-saving signals
There is emergency pack(s) inside liferaft, which includes various equipment and ac-
cessories. Read the Manual carefully to master the correct way of using all kinds of equip-
ments and accessories and the correct processing methods in different emergencies.
In case that you don’t get noticed at once when seeing many boats, you should cheer
up and try again. Send various kinds of SOS signals correctly to be found and rescued as
early as possible. Including:
Set up the radar reflector as early as possible.
During the night, turn on the indication light on the top of the liferaft. (The battery