AC4490 User Guide
Version 4.5
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To poll radio 2, the SAP transmits the packet using the following format:
To poll radio 2, the SAP transmits the packet using the following format:
This continues until the SAP successfully polls all radios.
Broadcast Transmit API
To send out a universal poll request or data packet, the OEM may wish to utilize the broadcast portion of the
Transmit API command. The Broadcast command is similar to the addressed command. However, you must
set all three Destination MAC Address values to 0xFF.
The remote response is dependent on the OEM’s specific needs and equipment. In many cases, remote radios
are connected to dummy terminals without the intelligence to filter out or append specific portions of a
packet that is transmitted or received. Since the seven bytes of overhead in the Transmit API command are
not sent over the RF, the remotes receive only the payload data, STATUS. If auto-destination is enabled on
the remote radio, the transceiver automatically changes its destination address to that of the radio from
which it last received a packet. When the remote device sends its response, it is automatically routed back to
the SAP.
Depending on the API configuration of the SAP, the packet will be received in one of two formats: