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This debug UART can then be used to update firmware of the modem. For details, please see the documentation on the
Pinnacle 100 website.
The BT510 sensor can be debugged and controlled via the UART, when running the official firmware. To set the BT510 up for
debugging, place a jumper on J2 from TM to GND with the BT510 connected as shown in
. Open a terminal utility
such as UwTerminalX with baud rate set to 115200, flow control set to none, parity set to none and open the port, then press
the reset button on the USB-SWD programmer
to reboot the BT510, debug data will be shown on the terminal utility’s screen.
Figure 2: BT510 connected to USB-SWD Programmer Board with test mode enabled
The USB-SWD programmer board can be used with a BT510 to provide a debugging connection to the target board via a
Segger JLink (or other external programmers/debuggers). In this mode the USB-SWD programmer board acts as a
passthrough device for the signals and supplies power to the BT510. To use the USB-SWD programmer board in passthrough
Set the USB-SWD programmer board to supply power to the target module at 3.3v.
Connect the BT510 up to the programmer board by using the TagConnect TC-2050 IDC cable. Remove the back plate
from the BT510, remove the battery, insert the TagConnect into the BT510, and insert the IDC connector into the SWD
programmer board.
Change SW1 to be in the PASSTHROUGH position.
Connect the target JLink (or other device) to the USB-SWD programmer board using the ARM/Debug header.
Connect the USB-SWD programmer up to the computer via a micro USB cable.
The target device can now be debugged/programmed using the external programmer.
The two UART pins are still connected to the USB-SWD programmer board and can be used as normal from
the CDC serial port. If this feature is not desired, then the J35 header can be removed. This disconnects the
UART pins from the target BT510 device. In this mode, the J1 UART pins can be connected to another device
and will work.
To use the USB-SWD programming board in non-passthrough mode, SW1 needs to be moved to the DEBUG position.