How much SmokeEssence is used in a soft,
medium or hard smoking cycle.
• On ICS recipes with Smokegrill, Naboo
chefs have already determined the right
quantity of SmokeEssence.
• The SmokeEssence dose (soft/medium/
hard) in any recipe can be customised only
during the cooking chamber preheating
phase and not while the recipe is in
Can smoking, smokegrill and seasonings be
used manually during Manual cooking?
• Yes, currently only if programmed during
the pre-heating phase.
When creating a new recipe the smoking
level desired can be entered directly
through the cycles.
Are Seasonings and SmokeEssence provided
when a Naboo is purchased with the Smokegrill
• N o , t h e r e a r e n o S e a s o n i n g s o r
SmokeEssence inside the Naboo.
These products are purchased separately
as needed.
Why are they not provided?
• Because they are food products and cannot
be shipped to any country as sanitary
authorisations are required for their import
and sale. The dealers must take care of
import and distribution.
How long does it take to generate the liquid
detergent from the jar of Soliclean?
• No time is wasted as generation is
automatic and is done during the wash
After selecting the type of wash that you
wish to perform, Naboo recognises the
amount of detergent needed and lets you
know if generation is required.
When does Naboo notify me that Calout needs
to be performed?
• Naboo notifies you to perform Calout when
If Calout is not performed within the
anticipated time frame, Calout is disabled.
A service technician will be needed to
restore the Calout function.
We recommend performed Calout the
first time the message appears or at the
end of the work day.
20 • FAQ