3700 Sagamore Parkway North . PO Box 5729 . Lafayette, IN 47903 USA . Ph: 765-423-1505 Fax: 765-423-4111 . www.lafayetteinstrument.com . E-mail:[email protected]
The MMT Wireless Data Transfer
3700 Sagamore Parkway North . PO Box 5729 . Lafayette, IN 47903 USA . Ph: 765-423-1505 Fax: 765-423-4111 . www.lafayetteinstrument.com . E-mail:[email protected]
The MMT Wireless Data Transfer
4. Check the box notifying you that all data will be erased from the MMT
storage bank. This only erases the data from the hardware device to enable
you to store the next set of data. All data will be archived in the folder
presented at the bottom of the screen.