Care and Maintenance:
1. Clean with mild soap and water; do not submerse in
cleaning fluids or water.
2. Use only on clean surface. Avoid felt tipped
markers, ink pens, acetone, iodine or other staining
products and avoid placing the manikin on
newsprint or inked lines of any kind.
3. To ensure longevity, module should be cleaned
after each training session and a general inspection
should be conducted regularly.
4. Modules and all other parts should be drained and
air-dried thoroughly before storage and disinfected
when needed. After use of injection pads (
use water
), accumulated water should be squeezed out.
Do not store wet foam pads in the skin.
prevent mildew or mold, pads can be soaked in a
mild solution of disinfectant and water or bleach and
water. Squeeze excess solution from pads, allow
them to dry, then store or reinsert in manikin.
5. Articulating parts will benefit from a light application
of talcum powder prior to training sessions.
6. Store properly between teaching sessions.
Laerdal Recommends:
This product has been designed with drain holes
throughout arterial puncture sites. Fluid that escapes from
punctures will collect inside arm. Opening plug at top of
arm can drain this fluid.
If using blood concentrate, flush arterial tubing with clear
water prior to storing arm between training sessions. It is
not necessary to remove skin and arteries after use. Wipe
off excess moisture and allow to air dry to prevent odors.