Lada Niva Manual - Maintenance
Page 23
Then install brake shoes 6, fit the calliper complete with
the cylinder block, and fix it with the pressure levers; for
this purpose press off the lower lever and shift the calliper
so that it is pressed by the lower lever; install the upper
lever, insert axle 7 and fit cotter pin 8.
Upon the installation of the brake shoes the brake system
needs no bleeding. It is sufficient to depress the brake pedal
in order to attain the normal operation of the brake system.
Bleeding of the system is necessary only after disassembly
of the cylinder block, or when air is trapped in the system;
use bleeder valves 3 to evacuate air from the system.
The adjustment required to compensate for the natural
wear of the brake friction pads is effected automatically.
Rear Brakes
Every 20.000 Km check the condition of the brake shoes
for which purpose unscrew two bolts 1 (Fig. 60), insert
them into holes A and screw them in until brake drum 2 is
moved off its place.
Check the condition of brake shoes 2 (Fig. 61) with friction
linings 1 and inspect the working surface of the brake drum.
If the brake shoes are broken or distorted which prevents
uniform shoe-to-drum contact and reduces efficiency of
braking, replace the shoes with new ones. Also replace the
brake shoes when thickness of their linings is reduced to 2
mm. Replace the shoes in pairs only.
If deep notches are formed on the drum working surface,
have the drums turned in a lathe and ground. Prior to
installing the drum, coat the mounting surface with a thin
layer of graphite grease.
Adjust the shoe-to-drum clearance as follows:
Depress the brake pedal until the shoes contact the drum;
Keeping the shoes pressed to the drums, turn adjusting
eccentric heads 1 (Fig. 62) until they contact the shoes;
release the brake pedal and turn the heads in the opposite
direction through approximately 10";
Sharply depress the brake pedal 3-4 times and, having
released it, check the brake drum; if it is jammed, repeat
the adjustment.
Fig 59 front brake.
1- cylinder block, 2-
flexible hoses, 3- bleeder valves, 4- calliper,
5- brake disc, 6- brake shoes, 7- pressure
lever axle, 8- cotter pin, 9- brake shoe guide,
10 pressure lever.
Fig 60. Rear Brake.
A- holes, 1- bolts, 2-
brake drum
Fig 61. Rear brake with drum removed.
1- friction lining, 2- brake shoe
Fig 62. Brake backing plate viewed from
rear axle.
1- adjusting eccentric head, 2-
rear brake bleeder valve.