Healthy infants are naturally great at suckling. They
instinctively understand how to express milk as fast
and as effectively as possible by adjusting the way
they nurse during the feeding. The research has
demonstrated that babies begin feeding with quick
jerky movements to stimulate the letdown. Once the
milk starts coming, babies slow down and continue
at their own pace.
First, there is
the stimulation phase (fig.1) - a fast-
paced rhythm, about 120 cycles per minute, which
stimulates the letdown. Next, comes the expression
phase-a slower rhythm, about 60 cycles per minute,
that ensures a gentle and effective milk expression.
The unique adaptive Intelligent
Vacuum Control ® technology
allows the LACTEA Smart breast
pump to simulate the natural
suckling process thus making milk
expression highly effective and
comfortable at the same time.
The LACTEA Smart breast pump
is a two-phase device that offers
3 different modes of expression.
LACTEA Smart can be used as a
single or a double pump.