Charging/removing battery:
Avoid damage from short circuit between the positive and negative poles of the charger and battery.
Do not open charger to avoid damage and injury.
Keep in mind that the charger can be warm during charging. Place the charger on a surface that can withstand
heat. Do not cover the charger so it can cool down. Do not place inflammable or explosive goods in the vicinity of
the charger to prevent danger.
Store the charger and battery on a safe place out of reach from children.
Do not expose the charger and battery in direct sunlight. Store the battery and charger on a cool place.
1. The supplied charger operates with 110/230V.
The switch-plug can be connected to the power socket.
The E-bike has 1 battery connection point located at the
back of the battery (charging features: 36V and 1.8AH)
Charging time depends on battery capacity:
17 AH : Approx. 8/9 Hours
11.6 AH: Approx. 6/7 Hours
First connect the charger with the bike before connecting to the power socket.
Batteries are made of Lithium, they can be recharged after every use.
The charger stop charging when the battery is fully charged. You can disconnect the charger.
Keep the battery dry and frost-free.
When you are not planning to use the battery for a longer period, store the battery separate from the E-Bike
fully charged.
It is advisable to fully deplete the battery the first 3 times and after every 100 charge cycles and do a full charge.
The distance (maximum range) of one battery depends on weather/road conditions, weight of the driver, tire
tension, power setting, frequent braking/accelerating and battery condition.
The battery charge according a curve. The first few hours it will charge the most energy. Above 90% it will
charge significantly slower.
Red light indicate charging. Green light indicate fully charged.
2. The battery can be removed by turning the key on the
left side of the battery. Remove key and pull the battery
out of the battery case. Lock the battery when you place
it back.