With GMT 24-hour and minute hand
1, 2 – Crown positions
A – Push button to set dual time hour
B – Push button to set dual time minute
H – Hour hand
M – Minute hand
S – Second hand
F – Dual time hour hand (24 hrs)
L – Dual time minute hand
Crown Positions:
Position 1 – Normal running position; crown pushed into case.
Position 2 – To set TIME: Time setting and rapid correction of
dual time.
Local time is indicated by the hour H, minute M and second S
hands, while center-mounted Dual time hands indicate dual
time hours and minutes.
After changing the battery, before setting the time, check if the
dual time hour hand and dual time minute hand are at «0» (12
o’clock position). If either the dual time hour hand or the dual
time minute hand is not in the «0» position, reset it/them fol-
lowing the
following procedure:
1. Pull crown out to position 2.
2. Keep the buttons
A & B pressed at the same time for more
than 2 seconds, then release the buttons (dual time hands
move and return to where they were).
3. Press button
A or B to reset the dual time hands to
«0» position.
A: dual time hour hand move clockwise.
B: dual time minute hand move clockwise.
The dual time hands move quickly if the respective buttons
are kept pressed.
4. Push crown back in to position 1.
To set local time:
1. Pull crown out to position 2, watch stops.
2. Rotate crown in either direction to move hands to
desired time.
3. Push crown back in to position 1; watch restarts, now set to
correct time.
To set dual time:
1. Crown should be in position 1.
2. Adjust the Dual time hour hand
F by pushing button A to
go back 1 hour per push or by pushing button
B to advance
1 hour per push.
3. Pull crown out to position 2 when second hand
S is at
12 o’clock position.
4. Adjust the Dual time minute hand
L by pushing button A to
go back 1 minute per push or by pushing button
B to
advance 1 minute per push.
5. Push crown back into position 1; watch restarts, now set to
correct time.
1 – 2
Figure A