The principle of the ra diant electric hob is relatively simple. It involves placing a heat source,
generally an electric element, underneath a glass-ceramic surface, that is capable of withstanding
high temperatures.
Radiant hotplates provide very fast temperature increases and controllability. This feature is useful
for all dishes that require rapid variation in the rate of heating.
The flatness of radiant hobs ensures good stability and reduces the risk of pans tipping over. They
are also particularly easy to maintain.
Description :
The electric radiant hob comprises a 6 mm thick vitroceramic plate equipped, according to the model,
with the following:
- a 2100 Watt, single-circuit hotplate Ø 210 .
- a 1000/2100 Watt, double-circuit hotplate Ø 140/210 .
- a 1400/2200 Watt, double-circuit oval hotplate 170 x 264
The single plate is controlled by a 6-position selector switch. The dual plate has an inner 1400 W
circuit controlled by a power control and an external 700 W circuit controlled by an additional selector
The double-circuit hob comprises a 1100 W internal circuit controlled by a heating power controller
and an external 1000 W circuit controlled by an additional selector switch.
The oval hob comprises a forward 1400 W circuit controlled by a heating power controller and a rear
800 W circuit. Activating the additional selector switch brings the total power of this hob to 2200 W.
: All the hobs are equipped with an after-heat warning light. The warning lights come on several
seconds after the appropriate hob has been switched on and go out when the heat of the hob drops
below approximately 70°C.
Use :
Select the control knob for the chosen hotplate, the adjacent indicator lamp is lit.
Single plate (Ring A, 2100 W) :
Start cooking in position 6 depending on the quantity to be cooked and reduce
the setting according to the type of cooking required.
The various positions are best suited to the following examples of cooking
1 & 2 = Keeping food warm or preparing sauces.
3 & 4 = Gentle simmer or maintain cooking.
5 & 6 = Boiling and sustained high simmer
Chagny - Macon (UK) - Ft 138a - GB - Rév 06 - Modifié le : 07/10/2013 30/42