Laboratory2, LTD
3 SOROKA-09M system of voice recorder labels
Recorder Soroka-
07М supports automatic layout of files. Tags system makes files analy-
sis more convenient and allows you to avoid wasting time of files creation and modification
when copying. The labels in the recorded files are placed in the following cases:
1) At the beginning and at the end of each file.
2) When you press the control button of voice recorder for the purpose of marking the de-
sired moment.
3) In the voice activation mode, every time when it detects an audio signal (actuation of
the voice activation mode).
Analysis of the tags may be formed, for example, using Sound Forge version 6.0 or higher, or
using software supplied
disk (Section 2.7).
Fig. 7. Example of automatic recognition of marks by the program
Sound Forge
audio files
of voice recorder Soroka-09M. The name of each label corresponds to the date and time of its
Tag on VOX initiali-
Tag on pressing the but-
Version of 25.02.2018