BA_085_2019-05_10.00 Temperature transmitter MiniTherm
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Submenue "Screen mode"
In the "Screen mode" submenue, you configure the representation of the measured values
and additional information on the display.
With the menue item “Screen layout” you configure the information that is displayed and its
layout. Up to four values can be displayed at the same time. In the additional menue en-
tries "1st value" to "4th value" you define the contents of the placeholders in the layout.
The various layouts as well as the possible content of the values are described in Chapter
Menue "Measurement/Output"
Configure the measured value as well as the current output in the "Measurement/output"
Menue entry
Output function
Setting the output function (linear, inverse)
Lower range val.
Setting the temperature value that shall correspond to 4 mA (start
of range)
Upper range val.
Setting the temperature value that shall correspond to 20 mA
(end of range)
Alarm current
Select the alarm current: High (>21 mA) or low (<3.6 mA)
Minimum current
Limit of the lower output current (3.8…4.0 mA)
Maximum current
Limit of the upper output current (20…21 mA)
Table 11: "Measurement/Output" menue
Independent from the setting of the minimum and maximum current limit, the set measur-
ing range always corresponds to a current range of 4…20 mA.
Output function
You can set the output function proportionally rising to the measured value (selection "lin-
ear") or proportionally falling (selection "inverse").
Setting the measurement range
You can freely set the lower and upper range value within the nominal range of the device.
Please note that when the turndown is increased, the measurement error also increases. If
you use a very small range you must therefore accept a significant measurement error.
We recommended a maximum turndown of 10:1.
The lower range value must be below the upper range value. For an inverse characteristic
curve, select the output function setting “inverse”.
Minimum and maximum current
In the standard setting, the current output is limited at 3.8 and 20.5 mA, meaning a further
drop or rise in the measured variable does not change the current. You can freely select
these current limits for the lower limit between 3.8 and 4 mA and for the upper limit be-
tween 20 and 21 mA.