Appendix D: Hyper Terminal and USB
Driver Setup
Users are required to purchase the USB or RS-232 cable to connect the MultiGene and
the PC. For USB connection, users are required to install the USB driver.
Hyper Terminal Setup:
1. Click on the start tab of Windows and go to accessories.
2. Click the accessory tab.
3. Go to Communication tab and click
4. Click
5. You will be prompted by “default telnet program” select NO.
6. Name the connection link
7. Select the com port COM3
8. Port
a. Bits/sec 9600
b. Parity
c. Stop
bits 1
b. Flow
control None
USB Driver Installation:
1. Place CD into computer select PL-2303-Driver on disc.
2. Follow install process, once program is installed click finished tab.
3. Connect the MiltiGene to your computer by the USB cable.
4. Click the start tab and go to Control Panel and double click.
5. Go to System icon and double click
6. In System select the Hardware tab.
7. In Hardware tab select Device manager.
8. Under ports select the Serial comport (COM 3)*