Activity Guide
Tech-Design by Lab-Volt
Flight Simulation
Controls and Instruments
Flying the Plane
Try taking off and flying the plane. Start by moving the throttle forward, and watch the engine RPM
increase in the Tachometer.
Release the brakes by pressing the period (.) key.
When the plane reaches about 60 knots per hour, pull back on the yoke to allow the plane to
become airborne. Keep the nose up and the wings level. Observe the attitude indicator.
When you reach about 1500 feet, start making a right 180° turn. Level off at about 2500 feet.
Observe and become familiar with the flight instruments, and enjoy the thrill of flying.
When you are done flying, select Flights>Exit (from the Menu bar). Click on Yes to exit the flight
simulator. Remember, you need to press the ALT key to view the Menu bar if you are in full-screen
Go to the next section in the multimedia presentation.