EXECUTIONER 4:4:2 DJ MIXER Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason
CV inputs and controls
Executioner has various Control Voltage (CV) inputs and trim controls. This gives you more creative use of the mixer
where you see best fits your application.
To use the CV inputs, simply connect a CV output from another device. Default settings for CV trim knobs are at
maximum (Reason default setting)
The types of CV signals that can be accepted into Executioner are Bi-Polar and Uni-Polar. Thelist below indicates
which signal the parameters would be best suited.
Remote Mapping Executioner
Executioner has been checked and uses Remote Mapping for all controls seen on the front of the device. This also
means that every control is MIDI recordable and automatable.
The list of Remoteables that exist in Executioner are listed below: