RKNKP= léíáçåë=
As the DIP switch is recessed, one may put a sticker across the bay to prevent from unauthorized changes.
Another option is to completely remove the DIP switch. This should be done by authorized service
personnel only! It corresponds to all switches set to “off”, i.e. 32dB gain and stereo mode.
RKO= iáåâ=ëïáíÅÜ=
The Link switch located on the rear panel (in the centre of the DIP switch) is for changing the operation
mode of the amplifier (see next section 5.3).
RKP= léÉê~íáçå=ãçÇÉë=
RKPKN= píÉêÉç=ãçÇÉ=
In this mode both channels operate independently of each other. This is used
for all 2-channel modes, such as stereo and bi-amping. Set the two centre
switches to off position for the stereo mode. The level attenuators on the f
panel will control the respective channels levels.
Never connect either output terminal to ground or in parallel
. The
recommended minimum nominal impedance for stereo or tandem operation i
2 ohms per channel.
RKPKO= kçíÉ=Ñçê=ÄÉåÅÜ=íÉëí=
NOTE: Channel B is always polarity reversed on the input, but polarity compensated by feeding the
minus pin on the Channel B output with the output voltage. Channel A output is connected in normal
polarity mode. By having channel A and B operating in opposite polarity, the energy storage in the
power supply is more efficient. This is significant for signals below 100 Hz (sub bass etc.) and improves
the power bandwidth.
Be sure to use balanced inputs on all measurement equipment (also
oscilloscope probes) if you are bench testing.
Reverse operation of Channel B
RKPKP= q~åÇÉã=ãçÇÉ=
In tandem mode both channels' inputs are linked and receive the same
signal. The tandem mode is active if the Link switches are in position
"On". Both level attenuators are active, allowing you to set different
levels for each channel. Note that only the inputs are connected in
parallel. This is NOT a parallel output mode.
Never connect either
output terminal to ground or in parallel.
You may use the remaining input connectors to carry the signal to
other amps. This is called “daisy-chaining”.
NOTE: Always turn off the Link switch when using the amplifier
for Bi-amping.
i~ÄKÖêìééÉå== =