Details View
This screen allows users to match their
customized DeviceControl configurations to
the physical amplifiers, and quickly identify any
incompatible amp setups. It also contains the
Power and Sensitivity Calculator, which allows
users to optimize an amp channel to a particular
speaker load or configuration by entering
specific impedance, output power and sensitivity
parameters. This screen can be printed for use as
an on-site amplifier setup guide
Channel View / Group View Modes
In the Channel View screen, individual amp
channels are assigned to a group matrix, and can
be renamed as needed. In the Group View screen,
each group is represented by a single status
block that displays all critical information needed
to monitor the amplifiers within that group. The
status block includes a real time VU meter with
peak-hold feature, mute / solo status of grouped
and individual amplifiers, as well as amp fault and
warning indicators. Groups can be renamed to
match specific applications.
Device View
This screen automatically identifies all of the
amplifiers detected by DeviceControl in one
or more subnets, including model number,
serial number and physical position within the
subnet. Power on or off status can be set for
each amplifier, and individual amplifiers can be
labeled on this screen for specific applications
(e.g. stage R subs, stage L array HF, etc.).
Harness the power of FP+ Series
with NomadLink and DeviceControl
Every FP+ Series amplifier comes
network ready as standard. Just add
the optional NLB 60E NomadLink
Bridge & Network Controller and you
can have your network up and running
in only minutes. (No separate modules
to install!)
To create a NomadLink network, you
simply daisy-chain the In and Out
network ports of your amplifiers by
snapping in standard Cat-5 cables. Then
you connect the first and last amplifiers
to an NLB 60E forming a closed loop.
Done. NomadLink is a robust, fully
redundant network that is essentially
bulletproof. And NomadLink’s phantom
powered loop technology makes it
possible to maintain communication,
even if an amplifier in the system is
powered off or has AC current
channel. Amplifier channels may
be freely configured in groups for
simultaneous on/off, mute or solo
commands. Also, a handy “match”
feature allows a preconfigured system
setup to be compared to the actual
setup downloaded from the network,
ensuring that the intended design
was properly configured as a physical
system. DeviceControl also eliminates
uncertainties about amplifier
performance, and the high impedance
indicator assures the load integrity
corresponding to each channel. All
accessed remotely and clearly visible
at a glance.
Local control and ethernet
The NLB 60E functions as a stand-
alone unit when needed for basic
monitoring and control. Large front-
panel keys and displays let you
power-up and power-down all
networked amplifiers, and provide an
on-the-spot check for fault indications.
However, most users also will
want use the NLB 60E as an
Ethernet-to-NomadLink bridge
in order to remotely access
the enhanced feature set of
the DeviceControl software.
DeviceControl is a powerful tool
for real-time monitoring and
control as well as offline system
configuration. The flexible GUI
allows multi-level monitoring
of amplifier status, from basic
fault monitoring of entire systems
to detailed status reports on a single
Options open, now and in the future
NomadLink is dedicated exclusively
to monitoring and control of
Lab.gruppen amplifiers. It works
alongside your existing drive chain
DSP units and signal distribution
systems - and their software control
programs, if any - without rendering
anything obsolete. You do not have
to alter, reprogram, reconfigure or
replace anything to accommodate
When you invest in the FP+ Series
and NomadLink, you are not locked
into one proprietary system, format, or
fixed AD/DA conversion standard. You
are free to continue using your existing
inventory of drive DSP units as well as
your digital or analog snake systems.
You can upgrade as you please,
whenever costs and technological
advances suit your particular needs.
You can be confident that your
FP+ Series amplifiers and NomadLink
network will remain fully compatible
at each stage of your future upgrading
Lab.gruppen’s robust NomadLink network with
DeviceControl software lets you monitor key
functions and also keep close tabs on all key
operating parameters. The NomadLink network
connects your laptop computer to as many as
960 amplifiers.
PC running DeviceControl software
Ethernet / TCP/IP (Cat-5)
NomadLink Bridge & Network Controller
FP 13000
FP 13000
FP 10000Q
NomadLink® (Cat-5)
NomadLink® (Cat-5)
NomadLink® (Cat-5)