12. Lake Processing and Lake Controller
D SERIES Lake Operation Manual rev 3.0.4
12. Lake Processing and Lake Controller
D SERIES Lake Operation Manual rev
Lake LoadLibrary™ and Fingerprints
Additionally, Lake LoadLibrary loudspeaker types may also include data relating to the electrical characteristics of a
as SpeakerPresets
on the device. This data set is termed a Fingerprint. When a sp
are available in the Lake LoadLibrary,
12.4. Loudspeaker Processor Overview
The Lake Processing system within D Series Lake devices may be configured with up to four processing Modules
containing a total of up to twelve processing Module outputs that can be routed to any of the four power output
channels. Each set of processing elements is referred to as a Module and can be configured as crossovers, full
bandwidth auxiliary outputs, or a combination of the two. The relationship between inputs and outputs is defined
via the Lake Controller.
The Lake Processing system provides two distinct categories of crossovers:
• Infinite Impulse Response filters (IIR) such as the classic Bessel, Butterworth or Linkwitz–Riley types; these are
available with slopes ranging from 6 dB/octave to 48 dB/octave.
• Finite Impulse Response filters (FIR) providing zero phase shift with steep transition slopes at the crossover
frequencies. These are also referred to as Linear Phase Crossovers.
12.5. Module, System and Sub–System Configuration Files
See Figure 8.1 where Module data is highlighted
possible to store a Module File directly on the hardware device.
in Red and Frame data in Blue.
12.6. Frame and System Presets
The entire processor configuration can be stored as a Frame Preset on this hardware device. Presets can be
recalled) via the Lake Controller software or Preset Manager utility; presets can be stored using the Lake Controller
software or Preset Manager utility. A maximum of 100 Frame Presets can be stored on this device. The data within
a Frame Preset encompasses the configurations of all Modules in the Frame, including levels, crossover, EQ, input
mixer, routing, and all other parameters. As Frame Presets are stored in the hardware device, recall is available
without using a PC.