ACN crossovers are designed for tri- or
bi-amplified active loudspeaker systems.
Four- or five-way systems require more
than one unit (depending on whether
there are required for stereo or mono
operation). All models are state variable
with 24 dB/octave Linkwitz-Riley filter
topology, shelving equalization on each
output, and configuration for mono sub
bass operation.
ACN crossovers can be used as stand
alone high or low pass filters with the re-
maining filters available as full range
Crossover frequencies ACN 2C:
80, 160, 250, 330, 400. 500, 600, 660, 800, 840, 950,
1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 Hz.
Crossover frequencies ACN 2S:
40, 50, 60, 65, 75, 82, 90, 100, 110, 115, 125, 135, 140,
150, 160 and 165 Hz.
Crossover frequencies ACN 3C:
Lo-Mid; 80, 125, 170, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 440,
480, 530, 580, 620, 660, 700 and 750 Hz.
Mid-Hi; 500, 800, 1000, 1300, 1600, 2000, 2300, 2500,
2800, 3000, 3300, 3700, 4000, 4600 and 4800 Hz.
The DSP 24 is a 2 in and 4 out digital
crossover and speaker equalization sys-
tem, which offers outstanding versatility
for loudspeaker systems.
The DSP 24 combines the function of
a 2-way stereo or 3/4-way mono active
crossover unit, with a system equaliza-
tion corresponding to a 66 band para-
metric equalizer. In addition, each out-
put of the DSP 24 also has independent
time delay, to acoustically align the spe-
akers and/or drivers. Each output also
has a mute switch, a digitally program-
mable analog gain control and limiter
threshold with front panel control
Visual Interactive Equalization
Workbench, VIEW
The system equalization and crossover
filters in the DSP 24 are user definable,
in a proprietary software package,
VIEW, running on a PC. A library of de-
fault setups, and a library of amplifier
and speaker specifications are also in-
cluded, to which the user can add any
amplifier or speaker. The VIEW Pro
software can import speaker measure-
ments into the PC and suggest a “best
2-way stereo or 3-way mono
ACN 2C: 16 frequencies between 80 Hz and 1.4 kHz
ACN 2S: 16 frequencies between 40 Hz and 165 Hz
Filter slope: 24 dB/octave or 12 and 18 dB/octave optional
Subsonic speaker protection: Highpass filter at 15 Hz and 12 dB/octave
Mono bass switch
Equalization: Low and high shelving equalization with boost at +12 dB max;
adjustable on PC-board
3-way stereo or 4- and 5-way mono
32 frequencies between 80 Hz and 4.8 kHz
Filter slope: 24 dB/octave or 12 and 18 dB/octave optional
Subsonic speaker protection: Highpass filter at 15 Hz and 12 dB/octave
Mono bass switch
Equalization: Low, mid and high shelving equalization with boost at +12 dB max;
adjustable on PC-board
DSP 24 / DSP 24B
2-way stereo, 3- or 4-way mono
Up to 66 band parametric equalization on each output
Crossover filters with 0 - 96 dB/octave slopes
PC aided filter design of all possible characteristics, with crossover frequencies
between 20 Hz and 20 kHz
Precision time alignment of the loudspeakers and/or driver acoustic centres
Programmable limiters on each output, with programmable threshold control knobs
on the front panel
DSP 24B installation variant (no front panel controls, PC control only)
fit” equalization for each output, with an accuracy never achieved
before. All parameters created by the software can be transmitted to
one or several DSP 24 units via the serial communication or memory
card, and stored in a non-volatile memory.
Examples of windows in the VIEW software.