By PC it is also possible to set-up the clock of the machine or read, save to file and visualize the
contents of the data-logger.
An innovative characteristic of the board is the possibility to modify and personalize all the graphic
images which appear on the display. In particular, amongst these images, there are 8 Spots which
can be used for publicity, warnings and information of all types. The Spots are full screen graphic
images which require the creation of such files as BITMAP monochrome with resolution 128x64.
Programs of image elaboration can be used for their creation (from a simple PAINT to more
sophisticated programs such as PhotoImpact). After an opportune operation of conversion, these files
can be transferred to the board by a serial portal.
With an analogue procedure all texts (in the various languages) visualized on the display can be
modified. This time it is necessary to modify a text file in standard Unicode format. The choice of the
Unicode format is decided by the necessity to use a batch of possible characters belonging to Latin,
Common Latin, Cyrillic and Greek.
For all precedent programming and personalization functions you will just need a PC with Windows
operative system, the software equipped with RVM72A and a standard serial cable. For PC’s with
just a USB portal, standard commercial adaptor cables USB-RS232 can be used.
Also by PC, it is possible to update the Firmware of the microprocessor of the board, or more
precisely the software for the functioning of same developed and periodically updated. Just for this
update it is necessary to connect a PC to the CN11 connector of the board using the appropriate
interface available as an optional.