4.3.10 S2A-302S (Communication Card)
The Communication Card is only installed as part of the DNP3 or Modbus Option Packages (Option 21P or 21Q).
If Option 21P/21Q was not included, the A75D(E) will not have a Communication Card.
4B75 Case
The S2A-302S is mounted to a bracket located at the top left of the case. If the unit has the Relay alarm
package, the S2A-198B card is mounted on the same bracket. If the S2A-198B is installed remove the ribbon
cable from the card and make note of its location. Remove the three screws at the front of the bracket and the
two bolts at the back. Before the bracket can be completely removed the ribbon cables of the S2A-302S will
need to be removed. After the bracket is removed the two screws that hold the S2A-302S to the bracket can be
removed. Installation is the reverse of removal.
WARNING: Take care to plug all wires/cables into
there correct locations.
475 Case
The S2A-302S is mounted to the right side of the card house. In order to access the card the card house will
need to be removed. To remove the card house, all cables to the additional circuit cards on the card house
must be disconnected, as well as the wiring to the AC input and DC output terminals. Start by removing the
wires from the DIN Rail AC input and DC output terminals. Be sure to mark or label the wires so that they can
be easily reinstalled (It may be a good idea to tape the wires to the top or side of the case and label the tape).
Next remove the cables connecting to the various circuit cards (It may be a good idea to tape the cables to the
bottom or side of the case and label the tape). Remove the two bolts on both sides of the bracket and remove
the bracket. Before the bracket can be completely removed from the case, the ribbon cable and power plug
connected to the S2A-302S will need to be removed. With the bracket removed, remove the four screws that
hold the S2A-302S card to the card house, and gently remove the card. Installation is the reverse of removal.
WARNING: take care to plug all wires/cables into there correct locations.
975 Case
The S2A-302S is mounted to the front center of the card house. Remove the ribbon cable and power plug from
the S2A-302S card. Remove the four screws that hold the S2A-302S card to the card house, and gently remove
the card. Installation is the reverse of removal.
WARNING: Take care to plug all wires/cables into
there correct locations.
72 Case
The S2A-302S is mounted to legs mounted to the bottom of the case. Remove the ribbon cable and power plug
from the S2A-302S card. Remove the four screws that hold the S2A-302S card to the mounting legs, and
gently remove the card. Installation is the reverse of removal.
WARNING: Take care to plug all cables
into there correct locations.
Ordering Replacement Parts
Call your sales representative to place an order for spare parts or replacement parts.
To order replacement
parts; please provide the model and serial number of the battery charger, the part needed and the quantity