Charging Modes
The A12B charger has two modes for DC output voltage; Float mode and Equalize mode. Float charging mode is
used for all normal battery charging needs or to directly power DC loads. Equalize mode is used when it is
necessary to equalize (or balance) the level of charge across all cells present in the battery. Refer to battery
manufacturer for recommended equalize schedule.
On a standard A12B charger, a Float/Equalize toggle switch is provided on the front panel to alternate between
charging modes. Two LEDs are also included, which indicate the present mode of the charger. The green LED
indicates Float mode and the amber LED indicates Equalize mode. The charger will maintain the specified mode
while the switch is in the corresponding position until it is manually changed. The operator is responsible for
manually changing modes, depending on battery manufacturer recommendations.
If any options are included, refer to appropriate accessory manual for description of selecting charging modes
and equalize timer settings.
Output Voltage Adjustments
The output voltage of the A12B charger is set to a default value, refer to description below, but should be adjusted
to meet the battery manufacturer recommendations. To adjust the float and equalize voltage, two potentiometers
are provided; refer to Figure 5. Adjustments are recommended to be made with no connections on the output of
the charger, but can also be done with the battery connected. An immediate change in voltage might not be seen
due to the battery voltage backfeed when adjusting the output. Output adjustments can be carefully made with
the charger energized until the desired voltage is achieved.
Float Voltage:
2.17 V/C for LA
2.25 V/C for VRLA
1.40 V/C for NC
Float Adjustment Range:
2.12 – 2.35 V/C (LA) (VRLA)
1.35 – 1.45 V/C (NC)
Equalize Voltage:
2.33 V/C for LA
2.27 V/C for VRLA
1.55 V/C for NC
Equalize Adjustment Range:
2.20 – 2.45 V/C (LA) (VRLA)
1.5 – 1.6 V/C (NC)
V/C – Volts per Cell, LA – Lead Acid, VRLA – Valve Regulated Lead Acid, NC – Nickel Cadmium
Figure 5
– Float/Equalize Switch,
Potentiometers, and LEDs