WristPC – Wearable Keyboard
L3 Systems
Keyboard Backlighting with NUM-LOCK ON
If your keyboard is a model with back-lighted keys, then
with the NUM-LOCK on, “Up Arrow” increases the
illumination and “Down Arrow” keys lowers the
illumination. The back-lighting is initially off when power
is applied, and there are 9 levels of adjustable intensity.
FUNC Key Definitions
The following diagram shows the WristPC keyboard key
definitions when FUNC is active. The FUNC key puts the
keyboard in FUNC mode for the next key operation.
When in FUNC mode, the red NUM-LOCK will be lit until
the next key operation and the following key definitions
will be in effect:
Keyboard Back-Lighting using the FUNC Key
If your keyboard is a model with back-lighted keys, then
FUNC + “Up Arrow” increases the illumination and FUNC
+ “Down Arrow” keys lowers the illumination. The back-
lighting is initially off when power is applied, and there
are 9 levels of adjustable intensity.