KB232 PS/2 Keyboard RS-232 Adapter
L3 Systems
just one of them. Note that if you disable a Caps
Lock or Num Lock LED, the key still will operate to
modify the characters sent.
The second solution is to use a 9 Volt or 12 Volt DC
power supply to power the keyboard and adapter.
You can 9V or +12V power supply by
connecting the plus voltage to pin 7, and ground (or
Return) to pin 5 of the RS-232 connector.
make sure that the DC positive voltage (pin 7) is
not connected to pin 7 of the RS-232 port of the
equipment to which you are connecting.)
The third solution is to use a keyboard that uses
less power. L3 Systems sells a keyboard which will
work on many RS-232 connections. This is
available with the KB232 RS-232 Keyboard kit.