Pilot’s Guide
Document Precedence
This Pilot’s Guide provides general information about the operation
of the ESI-2000. Refer to your FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual
(AFM) and its flight manual supplements for information specific to
your aircraft. If there is conflicting information between the AFM and
this guide, the AFM takes precedence over this guide.
Export Notice
This technical data has been released into the public domain in
compliance with EAR Part 734.7-11.
This Pilot’s Guide is subject to change without notice. The illustrations
in this guide are typical to the ESI-2000, but may not exactly match
your configuration options or the latest release of the unit.
A Digital Revolution in Standby Instrumentation
The Trilogy™ Electronic Standby Instrument (ESI) is a panel-
mounted solid-state instrument that provides dependable backup for
attitude, altitude and airspeed information for Part 23/25 Fixed Wing
Aircraft and Part 27/29 Rotorcraft. The Trilogy ESI-2000 replaces
traditional electro-mechanical standby instruments and combines
the information into a compact and easy to read 4” x 3” display. Its
space-saving footprint, easy installation and complete digital design
make it the ideal standby for both new aircraft as well as those
outfitted with aging or traditional analog gauges. An internal battery
provides backup power for at least 1 hour. Heading is also available,
when coupled with the optional magnetometer or configured to
receive ARINC 429 Heading , which enables the system to display
heading in a dedicated window.
Revision E Highlights
Incorporate Release 1.2.
Minor corrections.