Airplane Flight Manual Supplement or Supplemental Flight Manual for the NGT-9000
Revision 4 Issue:
Page 21 of 27
Document Number L3-76AK-AFMS1
FAA Approved
Table 3-1: Troubleshooting for the Panel Mount NGT-9000
Cause/Corrective Actions
The traffic symbols on the
traffic display are non-
directional (diamond shape).
Non-directional traffic symbols on the traffic display is
due to one of the following reasons:
1. The traffic information that is being received by the
unit does not have directional data. The unit
continues to transmit non-directional data to the
traffic display.
2. Note - TAS/TCAS traffic is not displayed as
directional. A TAS/TCAS or ADS-B correlated
target will use the ADS-B/TIS-B directional
3. An alternate (secondary) traffic display does not
support the STIF data format necessary to show
directional data provided by ADS-B.
Traffic display is working
correctly, but some aircraft
are not showing up on the
Lack of data as described below:
1. The ADS-B In requires other aircraft to be equipped
with ADS-B Out.
2. The TIS-B and ADS-R services are supported when
in range of ground stations and are providing the
3. If receiving the TIS-B service, but the Mode C and
Mode S transponder equipped aircraft that do not
provide altitude information are not seen on the
traffic display.
4. If receiving the TIS-B service, but aircraft not
equipped with a transponder, or equipped with a
Mode A transponder are not part of the TISB data
and will not be seen on the traffic display. Refer to
the NGT-9000 Pilot's guide for more information
regarding what traffic can be displayed.
Traffic display is working
correctly, but TAS/TCAS
targets are not showing up
on the display.
Lack of data as described below:
1. Aircraft is out of the selected TAS/TCAS altitude
range (Above/Below/Unrestricted)
2. The installed Lynx NGT-9000 does not have
TAS/TCAS functionality.
3. The TAS/TCAS Configuration option was not
enabled during installation.
4. The TAS/TCAS requires other aircraft to be
equipped with equipped with an active ATCRABS